I have a problem with adding these 2 arrays together.
I have arr1 and arr2 this string elements.
arr1(0) = "000"
arr1(1) = "001"
arr1(2) = "002"
arr1(3) = "003"
arr1(4) = "004"
arr1(5) = "005"
arr2(0) = "Closed"
arr2(1) = "Open"
These arrays can be in dynamic size and values. (just added static values for demonstration)
I want to copy these items values to arr3. The output of arr3 should look like this:
arr3(0) = "000 Closed"
arr3(1) = "000 Open"
arr3(2) = "001 Closed"
arr3(3) = "001 Open"
arr3(4) = "002 Closed"
arr3(6) = "002 Open"
arr3(7) = "003 Closed"
arr3(8) = "003 Open"
arr3(9) = "004 Closed"
arr3(10) = "004 Open"
arr3(11) = "005 Closed"
arr3(12) = "005 Open"
I tried this:
Dim arr1(6)
Dim arr2(2)
Dim arr3(0)
Dim i
Dim y
arr1(0) = "This000"
arr1(1) = "This001"
arr1(2) = "This002"
arr1(3) = "This003"
arr1(4) = "This004"
arr1(5) = "This005"
arr2(0) = "Closed"
arr2(1) = "Open"
redim arr3 ((UBound(arr1)) * (Ubound(arr2)))
Console.WriteLine (Ubound (arr3))
for i = Lbound(arr1) to Ubound(arr1)
for y = Lbound(arr2) to Ubound(arr2)
arr3(i*y+y) = (arr1(i) & arr2(y))
for i = Lbound(arr3) to Ubound(arr3)
Console.WriteLine (arr3(i))
next `
but I can't get it to work properly. Maybe you guys can help me? thanks
edit: I now got it kinda working. But i guess there is a more elegant solution to it than this:
Function GetParameters(ByRef arr1, ByRef arr2)
Dim arr3()
Dim i,j,k,l
ReDim Preserve arr3 ((UBound(arr1)+1) * (UBound(arr2)+1)-1)
HMIRuntime.Trace (UBound (arr3)) &vbNewLine
For i=0 To UBound(arr3)
If i > 0 Then
End If
For j = 0 To UBound (arr2)
For k = 0 To UBound(arr2)
arr3(i) = arr1(l) & " " & arr2(k)
If i < UBound(arr3) Then
End If
If l < (UBound(arr1)) Then
End If
End Function
edit2: Because resizing the array in the for loop got me into performance issues, I took a second attempt. Here is my final solution (in case somebody else is interested):
Dim arr1()
Dim arr2()
Dim arr3()
Dim i,j,k,l,m,n
Dim maxArr1
Dim maxArr2
maxArr1 = 5 'change for dynamic Arr
maxArr2 = 10
for l = 0 to maxArr1 'TestArray1
ReDim Preserve arr1(l)
arr1(l) = Cstr(l)
for m = 0 to maxArr2 'TestArray2
ReDim Preserve arr2(m)
arr2(m) ="Closed_"& Cstr(m)
ReDim Preserve arr3( (((Ubound(arr1)+1) * (Ubound(arr2)+1) )-1) ) 'New size for array 3
'Copy arr1 and arr2 in arr3 (according to pattern)
for i=0 to UBound(arr1)
for k=0 to Ubound(arr2)
arr3(j)=arr1(i)& " - "&arr2(k)
For n = 0 To UBound(arr3)
WScript.Echo "arr3("&n&") = "&arr3(n)
Here's a quick attempt based on your code that uses Preserve
to maintain the array and build elements dynamically.
Dim arr1(6)
Dim arr2(2)
Dim arr3()
Dim i
Dim y
arr1(0) = "000"
arr1(1) = "001"
arr1(2) = "002"
arr1(3) = "003"
arr1(4) = "004"
arr1(5) = "005"
arr2(0) = "Closed"
arr2(1) = "Open"
Dim item, x
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1) - 1
item = arr1(i)
For y = 0 To UBound(arr2) - 1
x = i + y + 1
ReDim Preserve arr3 (i + x)
arr3(i + x) = item & " " & arr2(y)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr3)
WScript.Echo arr3(i)
000 Closed
000 Open
001 Closed
001 Open
002 Closed
002 Open
003 Closed
003 Open
004 Closed
004 Open
005 Closed
005 Open