I have input like this:
$recipe['ingredients'] = '100ml milk, 350ml double cream, 150ml water';
I'm trying to split it up so it looks as follows:
<li>100ml milk</li>
<li>350ml double cream</li>
<li>150ml water</li>
So far I have the following code:
$ingredientsParts = explode(',', $row_rs_recipes['ingredients']);
$ingredients = array($ingredientsParts);
while (! $ingredients) {
echo" <li>$ingredients</li>";
but nothing gets printed.
You want to use a foreach() loop to iterate through an array, not a while loop.
$ingredientsAry = explode(',', $row_rs_recipes['ingredients']);
foreach($ingredientsAry as $ingredient){
echo "<li>$ingredient</li>";
In fact you can just do a foreach() loop on the explode() value
foreach(explode(',', $row_rs_recipes['ingredients']) as $ingredient){
echo "<li>$ingredient</li>";