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Mouse Maze Batch File

Edit: Specific question: How do I set a specific variable to a specific line in a text file? So far what I have is this:

set line=0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "cmd=findstr /r /n "^^" testCode.txt | find /C ":""
for /f %%A in ('!cmd!') do set subsets=%%A
for /f "skip=%line% delims=" %%A in (testCode.txt) do set output=%%A
set /a line+=1
echo %Line%: %output%
if %line%==%subsets% goto :b

So if I've got three lines in my text document, testCode.txt, that read as such:


I want them to print into my batch file like so:

1: Red
2: Green
3: Blue

so far, it's printing like this:

  delims=" was unexpected at this time.
2: Blue
3: Blue


  • It appears to me as if you actually intend to do more than just print each of your source file lines, prepended with its line number, otherwise all you'd need was:

    %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /N "^" "testCode.txt"

    Which would output:


    What follows is therefore a remarked example showing the structure and methodology, I think you intend to incorporate into your actual task to print:

    1: Red
    2: Green
    3: Blue

    Then ask the end user to make a selection from that list, by entering the line number only, and define a variable, for further use within the script, containing the content from that line:

    @Echo Off
    SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
    Rem Define a variable for the intended source file.
    Set "SourceFile=%~dp0testCode.txt"
    Rem Exit script if the source file does not exist.
    If Not Exist "%SourceFile%" Exit /B
    Rem Undefine any existing variables with names beginning Line[
    For /F "Delims==" %%G In ('Set Line[ 2^>NUL') Do Set "%%G="
    Rem Define individual variables Line[n], where n is their line number,
    Rem  and print the line number followed by a colon, space and line content.
    For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims=:" %%G In ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /N "^"
     "testCode.txt"') Do Set "Line[%%G]=%%H" & Echo %%G: %%H
    Rem Exit the script if no line existed in the source file.
    If Not Defined Line[1] Exit /B
    Rem Assumption that the end user will need to select an entry via menu option.
    Set "UserSelection="
    Set /P "UserSelection=Enter the number for your selection>"
    Set "UserSelection=%UserSelection:"=%"
    (Set Line[%UserSelection%]) 2>NUL | %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /B /L^
     "Line[%UserSelection%]=" 1>NUL || GoTo Selection
    Rem Re-define the user selection variable to the line content.
    SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    For %%G In ("!Line[%UserSelection%]!") Do EndLocal & Set "UserSelection=%%~G"
    Rem Print the chosen line content.
    Echo You Selected %UserSelection%
    Rem For demonstration purposes only, delay the script before exiting.
    %SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 5 /NoBreak 1>NUL
    Exit /B

    The code has been designed to prevent the code from continuing until the end user has entered one of the defined line numbers, (except CTRL+C).

    You'll note that the source file location, on line 5 uses %~dp0 to reference the path to the directory holding your running batch file. If you source file is not located there, please use its absolute path instead.

    Alternatively, you should define the current directory in your batch file from the outset, and could then choose to use relative paths throughout:


    @Echo Off
    SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
    Rem Define the current working directory, and exit if it does not exist.
    CD /D "W:\orking\directory" 2>NUL || Exit /B
    Rem Define a variable for the intended source file.
    Set "SourceFile=testCode.txt"
    Rem Exit script if the source file does not exist.
    If Not Exist "%SourceFile%" Exit /B

    Final note, I have used %SystemRoot%\Sytem32\, and included the .exe extension, for both the FindStr and Timeout utilities. This is deliberate to prevent reliance on the script having to search the %Path%, and %PATHEXT% environment variables, (one of which at least, is often corrupted by users ill advisedly thinking that they should modify them, and doing so incorrectly).