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Getting the current Revision number on command line via TortoiseSVN

I'm trying to write a batch file in which I need the HEAD revision of the project I am working on.

Is there a command to get this from the command line?

I am on a Windows XP machine.


  • It's awkward without the text-processing capabilities of *nix, but this batch file does it:

    @echo off
    for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('svn info -rHEAD svn://localhost^|find "Revision"') do @echo %%i

    Substitute your svn repository for my svn://localhost.

    svn info gets the repository info, then pipes it to find, which strips out everything except the line containing the revision number. The for command gives you the second "token" on that line (the first one is Revision:).

    EDIT: As others have mentioned already, you'll need a command-line version of Subversion installed, and have svn.exe on your PATH.