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Solving ModuleNotFoundError: Importing the module WoE and manipulating sys.path.append to allow my notebook to identify the new module

I just tried to install package WoE using pip which works fine. Then in Jupyter Notebook when I try to run the command:

from WoE import WoE

I receive an error that there is no module named "WoE"

I keep trying to figure out how to use sys.path.append to make this module work but I cannot figure it out. Any help or advice would be appreciated!


  • Try running command prompt as admin and then doing the command py -m pip install WoE. If that still doesn't work try restarting your computer, it could just be an issue with Jupyter not seeing the module yet. You can also do py -m pip show WoE and if that gives you a file location then that means it did install correctly.