How to get neighbour vertices of a mesh inside a given radius using, e.g., CGAL? A simple K-nearest search on vertices neglecting face and edge properties is not sufficient, because if meshes are close to each other, vertices of both will be found using a k-nearest approach.
blue -> query point, blue circle -> search radius, green -> vertices to be found, red -> wrongly found vertices by knn search, black -> mesh
I solved the problem using the CGAL BGL package and the function CGAL::vertices_around_target
A brief example:
typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double> SCKernel;
typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<SCKernel::Point_3> SurfaceMeshT;
typedef SurfaceMeshT::Vertex_index VertexIndex;
std::shared_ptr<SurfaceMeshT> mesh;
void getVerticesAroundTarget(std::vector<std::size_t>& indices,
std::size_t ptx) {
VertexIndex vti(ptx);
for (auto& idx : CGAL::vertices_around_target(mesh->halfedge(vti), *mesh)){
void getNeighbourVertices(std::vector<std::size_t>& neighbourVertices,
std::size_t ptx,
std::size_t idx,
double searchRadius) {
std::vector<std::size_t> indices;
getVerticesAroundTarget(indices, idx);
for (auto& vIdx : indices) {
if (std::find(neighbourVertices.begin(), neighbourVertices.end(), vIdx) == neighbourVertices.end()) { // Vertex has not yet been treated.
if (squaredEuclideanDistance(ptx, vIdx) <= searchRadius * searchRadius) { // Vertex in search radius.
getNeighbourVertices(neighbourVertices, ptx, vIdx, searchRadius); // Get next neighbours around vIdx.
std::vector<size_t> neighbours;
double searchRadius = XXXX;
std::size_t ptx = XXXX;
getNeighbourVertices(neighbours, ptx, ptx, searchRadius);
launches the greedy search algorithm.