I am trying to replace a SSN from a text string stored in MS Access Query column. The comment field is a free text and I need to replace the standard SSN (i.e. 123-45-6789) ,when present, with XXX-XX-XXXX.
For instance, I would like "JOHN DOE,111-11-1111 REWARD 6 DOL has been generated. Submission selection should be completed by 07-FEB-35 PLEASE Comply" to become "JOHN DOE,XXX-XX-XXXX REWARD 6 DOL has been generated. Submission selection should be completed by 07-FEB-35 PLEASE Comply"
I used a Public function within the replace function to accomplish the task but my patter is not working as desired . Access querying criteria and RegexMathc function:
Expr1: Replace([Comments],RegexMatch([Comments],"\d{3}\-\d{2}\-\d{4}"),"XXX-XX-XXXX")
Public Function RegexMatch(value As Variant, pattern As String) As Boolean
If IsNull(value) Then Exit Function
' Using a static, we avoid re-creating the same regex object for every call '
Static regex As Object
' Initialise the Regex object '
If regex Is Nothing Then
Set regex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With regex
.Global = False
.IgnoreCase = False
.Multiline = False
End With
End If
' Update the regex pattern if it has changed since last time we were called '
If regex.pattern <> pattern Then regex.pattern = pattern
' Test the value against the pattern '
RegexMatch = regex.Test(value)
End Function
When I try the regex pattern in regex101 it finds the SSN string without a problem but it doesn't in my access query column.
Your RegexMatch
returns a boolean, either True
or False
That means, Replace
is called something like this:
Replace("JOHN DOE,111-11-1111, True reward", True, "XXX-XX-XXXX")
The following would be returned:
"JOHN DOE,111-11-1111, XXX-XX-XXXX reward"
You need to do matching and replacing in a single function:
Public Function RegexReplace(value As Variant, Pattern As String, Replace As String) As String
If IsNull(value) Then Exit Function
' Using a static, we avoid re-creating the same regex object for every call '
Static regex As Object
' Initialise the Regex object '
If regex Is Nothing Then
Set regex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With regex
.Global = True 'We want to replace all occurrences
.IgnoreCase = False
.MultiLine = False
End With
End If
' Update the regex pattern if it has changed since last time we were called '
If regex.Pattern <> Pattern Then regex.Pattern = Pattern
' Replace using the pattern
RegexReplace = regex.Replace(value, Replace)
End Function