Search code examples

Regular expression to accept negative number

I have this regular expression below:


This will validate the input from a user to accept positive or negative numbers only that is comma separated or dash.


My regular expression above is only working for positive numbers and comma separator. How can I modify this to work with dash (10-25-30) and negative numbers?


  • You can use this regex:


    RegEx Demo

    RegEx Details:

    • ^: Start
    • (: Start capture group
      • [-+]?: Optionally match - or +
      • [0-9]+: Match 1+ of any digit
      • [-,]: Match - or ,
    • )*: End capture group. * lets this group repeat 0 or more times
    • [+-]?: Optionally match - or +
    • [0-9]+: Match 1+ of any digit
    • $: End