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core.async go block with outside bound symbols works but does not macroexpand

for the past few weeks I’ve been working with “core.async” in Clojure and Clojurescript, wondering if it is a good idea to use outside bound symbols inside a go as there is a pool of threads and possibly any of these could use the bound symbols. It works evaluating it, but macroexpansion does not work - see the following snippets

I guess it should work without problems. The x is immutable and wont change by concurrent threads. Using an atom as x for mutable data should also work cause its an atom XD E.g. an object ref would not work of course or could make problems!

(let [x 5]
   (println x)))

;; => 5
;; nil
   '(let [x 5]
        (println x))))

;; => Syntax error macroexpanding clojure.core.async/go at (your_project.cljc:93:3).
;;    Could not resolve var: x

It seems to work, but is it a bad idea and why?

Anyone can explain why macroexpansion does not work?


  • macroexpand-all is not a high-fidelity expander. It uses a basic process that works for simple macros, but it doesn't do everything the actual compiler does. Notably, it does not curate the &env map that bindings should introduce. I assume core.async needs to look at &env to determine whether a binding is local or a var.

    So, you shouldn't expect macroexpand-all to work here, but there's nothing wrong with writing code of this sort.