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Powershell IO.FileSystemWatcher - folder not updated for last 30 mins

I am looking for help in my Powershell script.

If Directory log location C:\Users\10146187\Downloads\Syslogd does not have any new file created or changed for last 30 minutes, I want to run function "RunMyStuff". Also i do not have Unregister-function. Not sure, where do i put it. Thanks.

Function RunMyStuff {
        # this is the bit I want to happen when there is no file created for 30 mins under C:\Users\10146187\Downloads\Syslogd
     Start-Process 'C:\windows\system32\calc.exe'
     Write-Host $global:FileCreated
    Function Watch {    
        $global:FileCreated = $false 
        $folder = "C:\Users\10146187\Downloads\Syslogd"
        $filter = "*.*"
        $watcher = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $folder, $filter -Property @{ 
            IncludeSubdirectories = $false 
            EnableRaisingEvents = $true
        Register-ObjectEvent $Watcher "Created" -Action {$global:FileCreated = $true} > $null
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
            while ($global:FileCreated -eq $true){
                 Start-Sleep -Seconds 600
                 Write-Host $global:FileCreated
            $global:FileCreated = $false


  • This might be an example of what you're looking for. It uses a Timer event with a FileWatcher event.

    function RunMyStuff()
        Write-Host "$(get-date) RunMyStuff (no files added within last 10 seconds)"
        # Start-Process "calc.exe"
    function Watch ($folder) {
        Write-Host "Watching $((Get-Item $folder).Fullname)"
        $global:FileCreated = $true
        $filter = "*.*"
        $watcher = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $folder, $filter -Property @{ 
            IncludeSubdirectories = $false
            EnableRaisingEvents = $true
        Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $watcher -EventName "Created" -SourceIdentifier "myFileWatcher" -Action { 
            $global:FileCreated = $true
        } > $null
        $global:timer = New-Object Timers.Timer
        $global:timer.Interval = 10000
        Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $global:timer -EventName "Elapsed" -SourceIdentifier "myTimer" -Action {
            $global:FileCreated = $false
        } > $null
        try {
            while ($true) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                if (!$global:FileCreated) {
                    $global:FileCreated = $true
        finally {
            Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier "myFileWatcher"
            Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier "myTimer"
    Watch "C:\"

    Here it is in action: enter image description here