on error resume next 'allows the script to continue if an error occurs.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'creates scripting object
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("wscript.Network") 'creates an object for network scripting
'the next section maps network drives if they don't already exist
If Not fso.DriveExists("z") Then 'checks for an existing drive x
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "z:", "\\ptfg-fs-005p\204ISShare" 'maps network drive x to \\108wg-fs-05\204is
End If
If Not fso.DriveExists("Y") Then 'repeat of above for other drive letters
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "Y:", "\\108arw-fs-02\global"
End If
If Not fso.DriveExists("K") Then 'repeat of above for other drive letters
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "K:", "\\108arw-fs-02\apps"
End If
'the next section maps network printers
ptrName = "\\ptfg-mp-001v\204isispcl000" 'creates a variable for the part of a printer name that is a constant
ptrs = array("3","4","5","6","7","8")
for each x in ptrs 'start of loop that will create the next printer
addPtr = ptrName & x 'adds current number from loop to printer constant name
objNetwork.addWindowsPrinterConnection addPtr 'adds printer
next 'end of add printer loop
wScript.quit 'ends script
In a direct sense you can instantiate COM objects in PowerShell like:
$objFSO = New-Object -ComObject "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
$objNetwork = New-Object -ComObject "wscript.Network"
So the same properties and methods are then available...
Note: While common in VBScript, Hungarian notation, ie str...
or obj...
is generally frowned upon.
Above is a direct translation, however I think in the longer term it's better to emulate the same functionality using more native PowerShell functionality.
You can use the Test-Path
cmdlet Documented here to test the presence of a drive. It will return a Boolean, so an alternative might look something like:
If( -not ( Test-Path 'k:' ) ) {
# Do something
The PowerShell native way to map a drive is with the New-PSDrive
cmdlet. Documentation here
New-PSDrive -PSProvider Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem -Name K -Root "\\108arw-fs-02\apps" -Persist
You can declare arrays in a similar fashion:
$Printers = "Printer1", "Printer2" # Etc...
Also note the array subexpression can be used:
$Printers = @( "Printer1", "Printer2" ) # Etc...
For adding printers you can use the Add-Printer
cmdlet, documented here
Add-Printer -ConnectionName \\printServer\printerName
There are several looping constructs to choose from. You can research them all in the PowerShell documentation, but the ForEach
construct looks like:
ForEach( $Printer in $Printers) {
# Map your printer...