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Identify Compiler Versions with arm-none-eabi cross compiling

I'm trying to figure out the compiler versions that are used in my project (to sync them across the team).

I'm using ChibiOS on an STM32 and it uses a makefile to compile. In the Makefile it uses

TRGT = arm-none-eabi-
CC   = $(TRGT)gcc

Which makes it clear that arm-none-eabi-gcc is being used. However unclear to me is, if the version of my gcc compiler (gcc --version) is at all relevant to the compilation. As far a I understand gcc just is being set to a specific target here? Whats the relationship between my gcc/cc executable and the arm-none-eabi-gcc executable?


  • There is no relationship. It is a separate compiler which usually comes with its own include files, libraries, startup file and linker scripts. Usually, it is called a toolchain as often it comes with other tools as well (linker, specific versions of gdb and other tools).