file. On what OS and conditions should I compile this preload to work on most systems (Unix/Linux)? The most wanted are FreeBSD, Ubuntu, CenstOS, Solaris.
You need to compile it into a shared library. Here's how I typically compile mine:
libt.so: t.lo
g++ -fPIC -O3 -W -Wall -shared -Wl,-export-dynamic -o $@ $^ -lc
t.lo: t.cc
g++ -c -fPIC -O3 -W -Wall $^ -o $@
Then to use it, you add the library to the LD_PRELOAD
environment variable before launching that file. If you do it this way from the bash
command line:
LD_PRELOAD=libt.so executable_name -and args
then, it will only set it for that command line run, and not affect any other programs you launch afterwards.