I have 1 table with 2 different conditions. I want to present AR, annual, AR / annual * 365.
the code below can run
select AR, AR*365
from (select sum(total_amount) AR
from invoices
where issue_date is not null and closed_at is null
and issue_date <= 'January 1,2020' and issue_date <DATEADD (DAY, 1, 'December 31,2020')
select sum(total_amount)
from invoices
where closed_at <= 'January 1,2020' and closed_at <DATEADD (DAY, 1, 'December 31,2020')
)x group by AR;
the result :
1,895.23 15,903,040.94
691,758.95 5,804,609,943.1
and then i want to display AR, annual, AR/annual*365 but get error :
select AR, annual, AR/annual*365 from
(select sum(total_amount) AR
from invoices
where issue_date is not null and closed_at is null
and issue_date <= 'January 1,2020' and issue_date <DATEADD (DAY, 1, 'December 31,2020')
select sum(total_amount) annual
from invoices
where closed_at <= 'January 1,2020' and closed_at <DATEADD (DAY, 1, 'December 31,2020'))x group by
When you want to display the annual value of "annual" the first line/first select cannot be read ...
but annual can be read when "annual" from the first line we delete.
I want the "annual" from the first line / first select to be read so that it can be calculated with other values.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
You can use conditional aggregation as follows:
Select AR, annual, AR/annual*365 from
(select sum(case when issue_date is not null and closed_at is null
and issue_date <= 'January 1,2020'
and issue_date <DATEADD (DAY, 1, 'December 31,2020')
then total_amount end) AR,
sum(case when closed_at <= 'January 1,2020'
and closed_at <DATEADD (DAY, 1, 'December 31,2020')
then total_amount end) as annual
from invoices) t
It is possible that annual
is 0 and it is used in division so use the appropriate logic there.