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SQL query to find first record of each customer and update

I have a table where I have two columns i.e customer, project_id.. My requirement is to find for each customer what is the first project_id, and correspondingly name it like 'General Project' and if there are more than one projects for customer found then name the next project as concat('PROJECT', '-', project_id). In the picture below you can see the 4th column data is the desired result for my requirement, but I am not sure how to find this out? thanks in advance

enter image description here


  • Here's one option (which works in Oracle; can't tell about SQL Server). Sample data (you already have & don't type it is in lines #1 - 13. Query you might be interested in begins at line #15.

    SQL> with
      2  test (row_num, customer, project_Id) as
      3    -- sample data
      4    (select 1, 115432, 1 from dual union all
      5     select 2, 115432, 2 from dual union all
      6     select 3, 115432, 3 from dual union all
      7     --
      8     select 4, 116500, 1 from dual union all
      9     select 5, 116500, 2 from dual union all
     10     --
     11     select 6, 112342, 3 from dual union all
     12     select 7, 112342, 4 from dual
     13    ),
     14  --
     15  data as
     16    (select row_num, customer, project_id,
     17            row_number() over (partition by customer order by project_id) rn
     18     from test
     19    )
     20  -- final query
     21  select row_num, customer, project_id,
     22    --
     23    case when rn = 1 then 'GENERAL PROJECT'
     24         else 'PROJECT-' || project_id
     25    end as project_name
     26  from data
     27  order by row_Num;
    ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------
             1     115432          1 GENERAL PROJECT
             2     115432          2 PROJECT-2
             3     115432          3 PROJECT-3
             4     116500          1 GENERAL PROJECT
             5     116500          2 PROJECT-2
             6     112342          3 GENERAL PROJECT
             7     112342          4 PROJECT-4
    7 rows selected.