Search code examples

Return only recipes that contains all ingredients Sql

I have these 3 tables:


  • drink_id
  • name


  • ingredient_id
  • name


  • drink_id
  • ingredient_id
  • quantity

Drinks and Ingredients are cross-referenced in opskrifter.

I want to return all recipes from opskrifter that have ingredients from another table called


  • name

So to make a gin and tonic, I need to have both gin and tonic in stock.

If I only have coke and tonic, I should return nothing

This is what I've got so far, copy/pasted from other post, but can't get any further.

    drinks d
    not exists (select 1 
                from opskrifter r 
                where r.drink_id = d.drink_id 
                  and r.ingredient_id in (1, 2, 3))

Please help :-)


  • I want to return all recipies from opskrifter that has ingredients from another table called stock.

    I understand that you want drinks that have all ingredients that are listed in the stock table. Assuming that you have a column called ingredient_id in stock, you could phrase this as:

    select o.drink_id
    from opskrifter o
    inner join stock s on s.ingredient_id = o.ingredient_id
    group by o.drink_id
    having count(*) = (select count(*) from stock)

    Alternatively, if you want drinks whose all ingredients are available in stock:

    select o.drink_id
    from opskrifter o
    left join stock s on s.ingredient_id = o.ingredient_id
    group by o.drink_id
    having count(*) = count(s.ingredient_id)