I implemented a trie in clojure but I'm struggling with a remove-values function. The structure I use looks like this:
(def trie {\a {:value #{"val1" "val2"}}
\b {\c {:value #{"val1"}}
:value #{"val2"}}})
I want to call a function like this (remove-value trie "val1")
and get a structure where all instances of "val1" are removed from the sets in the leave nodes. The resulting trie would look like this:
{\a {:value #{"val2"}}
\b {\c {:value #{}}
:value #{"val2"}}}
Or better yet:
{\a {:value #{"val2"}}
\b {:value #{"val2"}}}
From what I've seen here on SO this could probably be done in five lines of clojure but I can't figure out how. Also I'm not married to the data structure, if you need to alter it for an idiomatic version to work, feel free, as long as it's still a trie.
I would suggest to use very regular structure of trie:
A map whose first entry is always :value
with a #{}
of value.
All other keys are children which contain as values themselvers tries.
(Meaning they have a :value
key at the beginning!)
Then define car/first
, cdr/rest
, cons
, map
for hash-maps (-map
(defn first-map [m]
(let [k (first (keys m))]
{k (k m)}))
(defn rest-map [m]
(into {} (map (fn [k] {k (k m)}) (rest (keys m)))))
(defn cons-map [m1 m2]
(into {} (concat m1 m2)))
(defn map-map [f m & args]
(into {} (map (fn [k] {k (apply f (k m) args)})
(keys m))))
Try them out:
(def m {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(first-map m) ;; => {:a 1}
(rest-map m) ;; => {:b 2 :c 3}
(cons-map {:a 1} {:b 2 :c 3}) ;; => {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}
(map-map #(+ % 1) m) ;; => {:a 2, :b 3, :c 4}
(map-map #(+ %1 %2) m 1) ;; => {:a 2, :b 3, :c 4}
Then, using them define remove-value
(defn remove-value [trie val]
(cons-map {:value (disj (:value (first-map trie)) val)}
(map-map remove-value (rest-map trie) val)))
Originally, I wrote:
(defn remove-value [trie val]
(cond (empty? (rest-map trie))
{:value (disj (:value (first-map trie)) val)}
:else (cons-map {:value (disj (:value (first-map trie)) val)}
(map-map remove-value (rest-map trie) val))))
But then realized that the :else
branch alone does this automatically since map-map
on an empty (rest-map trie)
results in just
{:value (disj (:value (first-map trie)) val)}
- which can be alternatively expressed also as
(let [[k v] (first-map trie)] {k (disj v val)})
Your trie
would be:
(def trie {:value #{}
:a {:value #{"val1" "val2"}}
:b {:value #{"val2"}
:c {:value #{"val1"}}}})
Note: a tree in toplevel will always begin with
:value #{}
(the root of the tree).
's value will be always a set either empty #{}
or with one or multiple elements in it.
So, every child is a complete trie
in itself.
user=> (remove-value trie "val1")
{:value #{}, :a {:value #{"val2"}}, :b {:value #{"val2"}, :c {:value #{}}}}
user=> (remove-value trie "val2")
{:value #{}, :a {:value #{"val1"}}, :b {:value #{}, :c {:value #{"val1"}}}}