When using vim autoinstantiation, I get an AUTOINST in declaration order as shown. But, I need to use emacs AUTO_TEMPLATE for multiple instantiations, so I am trying to use "emacs --batch file.v -f verilog-batch-auto". Unfortunately, this is giving a sorted order. How can I get this declaration order AUTOINST using emacs verilog-mode?
DWC_mipi_dsi_host i_DWC_mipi_dsi_host_left
//APB Interface
.presetn (presetn ), // input
.pclk (pclk ), // input
.paddr (paddr[9:0] ), // input
.penable (penable ), // input
.psel (psel ), // input
.pwrite (pwrite ), // input
.pwdata (pwdata[31:0] ), // input
.prdata (prdata[31:0] ), // output
.interrupt (interrupt ), // output
.dpipclk (dpipclk ), // input
.dpivsync (dpivsync ), // input
.dpihsync (dpihsync ), // input
.dpipixdata (dpipixdata[`DSI_HOST_PIXELDATAWIDTH-1:0] ), // input
.dpidataen (dpidataen ), // input
.dpishutdn (dpishutdn ), // input
.dpicolorm (dpicolorm ), // input
.dpiupdatecfg (dpiupdatecfg ), // input
.edpihalt (edpihalt ), // output
According to the documentation at http://doc.endlessparentheses.com/Fun/verilog-auto-inst.html it seems I need to use verilog-auto-arg-sort:nil and verilog-auto-inst-sort:nil
I have tried to set them in ~/.emacs and in the bottom of the file, but there is no difference. Any ideas?
// Local Variables:
// verilog-library-flags:("-f ../src/files.vc")
// verilog-auto-arg-sort:nil
// verilog-auto-inst-sort:nil
// End:
As it turns out, this is due to an older version of verilog-mode which came preinstalled with emacs.
emacs Verilog --> Version and FAQ
You are using verilog-mode 2017-08-07-c085e50-vpo-GNU
This can be fixed by updating verilog-mode according to instructions at https://www.veripool.org/wiki/verilog-mode