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Excel: How to extract text within a string of text until separator

I have a simple problem that I hope to resolve with a pretty simple Excel function.

I have a list with multiple rows (all in one column) containing attributes and their corresponding values, each being separated with a |. It basically looks like this:

Color:Red|Size:M|COD:United States|Price:50.84

Now, I want to extract the strings after each attribute in a separate column and only fill the column if a value exists. In the end it should look like this:

LONGFORM Color Size Category COD Price
Color:... Red M United States 50.84
Color:... Second Jeans China 29.95

I have found a solution to use following code, but it only works for the first column:


If you know a VBA solution to solve it, it's also appreciated!


  • One UDF Per Attribute

    Create a UDF for each of your 5 categories and just use the formula as you usually would where the input is just your LONGFORM value. Here is a sample for Color. You would create a copy of this for each attribute and replace Color with the appropriate name.

    Note: for price you will want to declare the function output as Double instead of String

    Public Function Get_Color(Target As Range) As String
    Dim i As Long, Temp
    Temp = Split(Target, "|")
    For i = LBound(Temp) To UBound(Temp)
        If InStr(Temp(i), "Color") Then
            Get_Color = Split(Temp(i), ":")(1)
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next i
    End Function

    One UDF With Attribute Parameter

    You can also use one UDF across the board and provide two inputs in the formula (LONGFORM & ATTRIBUTE) where attribute is either Color, Size, Category, COD, Price. Ideally you would just set the second parameter equal to the header of interest and drag down. It's worth noting that in current form the attribute parameter is case sensitive typo intolerant.

    Public Function Get_Attribute(Target As Range, Element As String)
    Get_Attribute = ""
    Dim i As Long, Temp
    Temp = Split(Target, "|")
    For i = LBound(Temp) To UBound(Temp)
        If InStr(Temp(i), Element) Then
            Get_Attribute = Split(Temp(i), ":")(1)
            If IsNumeric(Get_Attribute) Then Get_Attribute = CDbl(Get_Attribute)
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next i
    End Function

    Here is a sample of the second solution and how you would call the function. It would be similar for the One Attribute : One UDF approach except you would call different functions for each column but only give one input

    enter image description here