I have a table like below. Lets called it Transactions
id scan_id amount date description
1 123 10 2020-12-01 "tissue"
1 111 500 2020-12-01 "amount to mexico"
1 124 15 2020-12-01 "dairy product"
2 222 1000 2020-13-01 "amount to India"
2 154 10 2020-13-01 "dairy"
3 333 499 2020-14-01 "amt to philipines"
I want all transactions where scan_id in (111,222,333) along with a boolean value indicating whether a customer made any other transactions other than scan_id(111,222,333) on the same date. Here scan_ids (111,222,333) refers to Money Tx and others are not. Example required data as below
id scan_id amount date description same_day_non_money_tx
1 111 500 2020-12-01 "amount to mexico" Yes
2 222 1000 2020-13-01 "amount to India" Yes
3 333 499 2020-14-01 "amt to philipines" No
I thought of doing an inner join like below
select id, scan_id, amount, date, description
from transactions where scan_id in (111,222,333) as T1
inner join
select id, scan_id, amount, date, description
from transactions where scan_id not in (111,222,333) as T2
on T1.id = T2.id
and T1.date = T2.date
but this gives me all the transactions which matches based on id and date. How do i get this matching as a separate column?
You can use window functions, if you want the details:
select t.*,
from (select t.*,
sum(case when scan_id in (111, 222, 333) then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by id, date) as num_123,
count(*) over (partition by id, date) as num
from t
) t
where cnt <> num_123 and num_123 > 0;