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How to execute the choice command but not do anything

My batch script uses the choice command. And in my script I would want to check if choice.exe exists because it is the application that has the choice command.

And I know exactly how to do that. By executing the choice command and making it so that if it fails, it exits the script

choice || goto:nochoiceapp

echo Cannot continue with script
echo Your system doesn't have choice.exe

But I want to do this at the start of my script. Not just when the choice command is needed.

And I want this to only check if choice.exe exists, not actually executing "choice". It would lead to a choice prompt

How do I make it so that it executes the choice command but does nothing?


  • Choice is a regular system executable that's located in System32. You can simply check that the file exists.

    if not exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe" goto :nochoiceapp