I have a bullet game object and an enemy game object.
When the bullet's collider is a trigger collider, I seemingly don't have a way to implement the bouncing. But when the collider's not a trigger collider, it pushes the enemy object.
There's no code errors, but I think the code hasn't got anything to do with the problem.
I suspect the problem may have something to do with the Physics Collision Matrix.
It seems that raycasting would be the solution to the problem, as Leoverload proposed. My problem became a different problem now, so I'll close off this thread, and open a new one.
Thanks for the help, @Leoverload ! :D
For the position of the hit it's very easy. You must have 2 colliders and 2 Rigidbody and then you can simply add a Void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collision Coll) and inside it check for the tag : if(coll.compareTag("surface")) and inside you can get the position with collision.transform.position. The collision matrix on the Physics menu only allows to remove Collision between certain layers, it's useful if you want the enemies not to push eachother!
If you don't want the player pushed you can change the collider to trigger, and destroy the bullet just after the collision with the same method as before with a void OnTriggerEnter2D and the compareTag. In this way it will look like it touches the enemy and explode, but it won't actually touch anything. If you want to add knockback to the player then you could do a simple AddForce based on the direction of the bullet and the work is done!
If you want to avoid the bullet to move walls you can set walls to static and it should work fine