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Non-Preemptive priority scheduling

The algorithm explanation:

Non-preemptive Priority scheduling

Each process has (arrival time, priority, and burst(execution) time) the process with first arrival time (less arrival time process) will be executed first, if two processes have same arrival time, then compare to priorities (highest process first). Also, if two processes have same priority then compare to process number (less process number first). This process is repeated while all process get executed.

I used the code below (The code is updated) but I did not get the correct answer. I have been trying to solve for 2 weeks it but unfortunately I do not know where the error is (it is a logical error but I could not Identify it). I tried to debug it many times but still I could not find what causes it.

#include <stdio.h>

void main()

    int pn = 0;                 //Processes Number
    int CPU = 0;            //CPU Current time
    int allTime = 0;        // Time neded to finish all processes
    printf("Enrer Processes Count: ");
    int AT[pn];
    int ATt[pn];
    int NoP = pn;
    int PT[pn];             //Processes Time
    int PP[pn];             //Processes piriorty
    int PPt[pn];
    int waittingTime[pn];
    int turnaroundTime[pn];
    int i=0;
    //Scanning Time and Piriorty
    for(i=0 ;i<pn ;i++){
        printf("\nProcessing time for P%d: ",i+1);
        printf("Piriorty for P%d: ",i+1);
        PPt[i] = PP[i];
        printf("Arrival Time for P%d: ",i+1);
        ATt[i] = AT[i];

    int LAT = 0;        //LastArrivalTime
    for(i = 0; i < pn; i++)
        if(AT[i] > LAT)
            LAT = AT[i];

    int ATv = AT[0];    //Pointing to Arrival Time Value
    int ATi = 0;        //Pointing to Arrival Time indix
    int P1 = PP[0];     //Pointing to 1st piriorty Value
    int P2 = PP[0];     //Pointing to 2nd piriorty Value

    //findding the First Arrival Time and Highst piriorty Process

    while(NoP > 0 && CPU <= 1000){
        for(i = 0; i < pn; i++){
            if(ATt[i] < ATv){
                ATi = i;
                ATv = ATt[i];
                P1 = PP[i];
                P2 = PP[i];
            else if(ATt[i] == ATv){
                if(PP[i] != (pn+1))
                    P2 = PP[i];
                    if(P2 < P1){
                        ATi = i;
                        ATv = ATt[i];
                        P1 = PP[i];
                        P2 = PP[i];
        if(CPU < ATv){
            CPU = CPU+1;
            ATi = 0;        //Pointing to Arrival Time indix
            ATv = ATt[ATi];
            P1 = PP[0];     //Pointing to 1st piriorty Value
            P2 = PP[0];     //Pointing to 2nd piriorty Value

            waittingTime[ATi] = CPU - ATt[ATi];
            CPU = CPU + PT[ATi];
            turnaroundTime[ATi] = CPU - ATt[ATi];
            ATt[ATi] = LAT +10;
            ATv = LAT +10;  //Pointing to Arrival Time Value
            PPt[ATi] = pn + 1;
            ATi = 0;        //Pointing to Arrival Time indix
            P1 = PP[0];     //Pointing to 1st piriorty Value
            P2 = PP[0];     //Pointing to 2nd piriorty Value
            NoP = NoP - 1;



    for(i = 0; i < pn; i++){

    int AvgWT = 0;
    int AVGTaT = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < pn; i++){
        AvgWT = waittingTime[i] + AvgWT;
        AVGTaT = turnaroundTime[i] + AVGTaT;

   printf("AvgWaittingTime = %d\nAvgTurnaroundTime = %d\n",AvgWT/pn,AVGTaT/pn);


Test Cases:
PT: Processing Time
PP: Process priority
WT Waitting Time
TaT: Turnaround Time
Arrival time for 1st 2 cases is 0

PN      PT      PP      WT      TaT

P1      10      3       6       16
P2      1       1       0       1
P3      2       4       16      18
P4      1       5       18      19
P5      5       2       1       6

PN      PT      PP      WT      TaT

P1      1       1       0       1
P2      2       2       1       3
P3      3       3       3       6
P4      4       4       6       10
P5      5       5       10      15

PN      PP     AT     PT      WT      TaT
1       2      0      3       0        3
2       6      2      5       11       16
3       3      1      4       2        6
4       5      4      2       7        9
5       7      6      9       12       21
6       4      5      4       2        6
7       10     7      10      18       30



  • The correct code is:

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    void main()
        int pn = 0;                 //Processes Number
        int CPU = 0;            //CPU Current time
        int allTime = 0;        // Time neded to finish all processes
        printf("Enrer Processes Count: ");
        int AT[pn];
        int ATt[pn];
        int NoP = pn;
        int PT[pn];             //Processes Time
        int PP[pn];             //Processes piriorty
        int PPt[pn];
        int waittingTime[pn];
        int turnaroundTime[pn];
        int i=0;
        //Scanning Time and Piriorty
        for(i=0 ;i<pn ;i++){
            printf("\nProcessing time for P%d: ",i+1);
            printf("Piriorty for P%d: ",i+1);
            PPt[i] = PP[i];
            printf("Arrival Time for P%d: ",i+1);
            ATt[i] = AT[i];
        int LAT = 0;        //LastArrivalTime
        for(i = 0; i < pn; i++)
            if(AT[i] > LAT)
                LAT = AT[i];
        int MAX_P = 0;        //Max Piriorty
        for(i = 0; i < pn; i++)
            if(PPt[i] > MAX_P)
                MAX_P = PPt[i];
        int ATi = 0;        //Pointing to Arrival Time indix
        int P1 = PPt[0];     //Pointing to 1st piriorty Value
        int P2 = PPt[0];     //Pointing to 2nd piriorty Value
        //findding the First Arrival Time and Highst piriorty Process
        int j = -1;
        while(NoP > 0 && CPU <= 1000){
            for(i = 0; i < pn; i++){
                if((ATt[i] <= CPU) && (ATt[i] != (LAT+10))){
                    if(PPt[i] != (MAX_P+1)){
                        P2 = PPt[i];
                        j= 1;
                        if(P2 < P1){
                            j= 1;
                            ATi = i;
                            P1 = PPt[i];
                            P2 = PPt[i];
            if(j == -1){
                CPU = CPU+1;
                waittingTime[ATi] = CPU - ATt[ATi];
                CPU = CPU + PT[ATi];
                turnaroundTime[ATi] = CPU - ATt[ATi];
                ATt[ATi] = LAT +10;
                j = -1;
                PPt[ATi] = MAX_P + 1;
                ATi = 0;        //Pointing to Arrival Time indix
                P1 = MAX_P+1;     //Pointing to 1st piriorty Value
                P2 = MAX_P+1;     //Pointing to 2nd piriorty Value
                NoP = NoP - 1;
        for(i = 0; i < pn; i++){
        int AvgWT = 0;
        int AVGTaT = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < pn; i++){
            AvgWT = waittingTime[i] + AvgWT;
            AVGTaT = turnaroundTime[i] + AVGTaT;
       printf("AvgWaittingTime = %d\nAvgTurnaroundTime = %d\n",AvgWT/pn,AVGTaT/pn);
    Test Cases:
    PT: Processing Time
    PP: Process priority
    WT Waitting Time
    TaT: Turnaround Time
    Arrival time for 1st 2 cases is 0
    PN      PT      PP      WT      TaT
    P1      10      3       6       16
    P2      1       1       0       1
    P3      2       4       16      18
    P4      1       5       18      19
    P5      5       2       1       6
    PN      PT      PP      WT      TaT
    P1      1       1       0       1
    P2      2       2       1       3
    P3      3       3       3       6
    P4      4       4       6       10
    P5      5       5       10      15
    PN      PT      PP      AT      WT      TT
    P1      3       2       0       0       3
    P2      5       6       2       11      16
    P3      4       3       1       2       6
    P4      2       5       4       7       9
    P5      9       7       6       12      21
    P6      4       4       5       2       6
    P7      10      10      7       20      30
    PN      PT      PP      AT      WT      TT
    P1      4       2       0       0       4
    P2      3       3       1       3       6
    P3      1       4       2       5       6
    P4      5       5       3       5       10
    P5      2       5       4       9       11