I have read answers here but I am still not quite sure how I would do this regarding two columns of a table and more than one result per query.
So, the first query would look like this in my Node app:
select stype, lid from Profiles where lid_P=${profile.lid} and stype_P='${profile.stype}';
// result can consist of 1-50 objects
I need the result for the following query:
select * from an where stype=stype and lid=lid;
// where lid and stype are results from the other query
I only need the results of the second query but I fail to implement only one query doing both. Can someone help me out? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
You seem to want exists
select *
from an a
where exists(
select 1
from profiles p
p.stype = a.stype and p.lid = s.lid
and p.lid_p = @profile_lid and p.style_p = @profile_stype
and @profile_stype
are the parameters to the query - that I would recommend using instead of concatenating variables in the query string.