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Batch file choice command more than 10 parameter

I have a batch script which founds which drive is carrying my folder (diskpart situation) and founding folder, then it lists the text files (for now its text) in that folder. Anyways the problem is while the batch is asking me to choose which one do i want to open, it works until 9. I can't even press 10 because when i press 1 it automatically opens the text file. How can i write 2 digit numbers? Because the folder always will change and the might be 30 choices. Here's my code;

@for %%a in ( C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do @if exist %%a:\TAM_IMAGES set The_Drive=%%a
@for %%b in ( C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do @if exist %%b:\Users\canoca\Desktop\bosluktesti set testbasarisiz=%%b
REM @dir %The_Drive%:\TAM_IMAGES
REM @dir %testbasarisiz%:\Users\canoca\Desktop\bosluktesti
cd %The_Drive%:\TAM_IMAGES
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set count=0
set "choice_options="

for /F "delims=" %%A in ('dir /a:-d  /b "%The_Drive%:\TAM_IMAGES"') do (

   set /a count+=1

   set "options[!count!]=%%A"

   set choice_options=!choice_options!!count!

for /L %%A in (1,1,!count!) do (
   echo %%A]- !options[%%A]!

choice /c:!choice_options!  /m "Yuklemek istediginiz imaji seciniz: "

REM %testbasarisiz%:\Users\canoca\Desktop\test.bat %The_Drive%:\TAM_IMAGES\!options[%ERRORLEVEL%]!

start %The_Drive%:\TAM_IMAGES\!options[%ERRORLEVEL%]!

cmd /k


  • You can emulate two-digit entries (or even more) by using two (or more) choice commands. Downside: You always have to enter both (all) digits ( like 01 for the first choice). Of course, this means you have to validate the resulting input manually:

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set count=100
    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d') do (
      set /a count+=1
      echo !count:~-2!] %%a
    set /a countMax=count-100
    set "countNr=%count:~-2%"
    <nul set /p "=input (01...%countNr%, 00 for exit): " 
    choice /c 1234567890 /n >nul
    set first=%errorlevel:~-1%
    <nul set /p "=%first%"
    choice /c 1234567890 /n >nul
    echo %errorlevel:~-1%
    set ch=%first%%errorlevel:~-1%
    echo that was %ch%
    set /a line=1%ch%-101
    REM echo debug: ch=%ch%;CountNr=%countNr%;CountMax=%CountMax%,Line=%line%
    if "%ch%" == "00" goto escape
    if %ch% gtr %countMax% echo bad input&goto :input
    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d^|more +%line%') do set "file=%%a"&goto :cont
    echo that was %ch% - %file%
    echo doing something with %file%.
    goto :eof
    echo you choosed '00' for exit.

    I avoided array-like variables by doing the dir twice, assuming the content of the folder won't change during the input.