There are several possibilities in jenetics to set termination limits to EvolutionStream
, see the documentation.
The limits are usually applied directly on the stream
, e.g.
Phenotype<IntegerGene,Double> result =
Phenotype<IntegerGene,Double> result =
or in combination, see example:
Phenotype<IntegerGene,Double> result =
In my optimization problem, I want to let the user decide which limits to assign to the problem. I do not know the limit setup in advance. It might be multiple limits. Therefore, I have to assign the limit types at runtime.
I tried to create a EvolutionStream
object by
EvolutionStream<IntegerGene, Double> evolutionStream =;
and assign the limits on the evolutionStream
Stream<EvolutionResult<IntegerGene, Double>> limit = evolutionStream.limit(Limits.byFixedGeneration(10));
The result is a Stream, which does not know the EvolutionStream
specific limit methods. Thus, I can not apply it in case multiple limits are defined. Trying to cast
evolutionStream = (EvolutionStream<IntegerGene, Double>)evolutionStream.limit(Limits.byFixedGeneration(10));
results in an error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: class$1 cannot be cast to class io.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStream ($1 is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; io.jenetics.engine.EvolutionStream is in unnamed module of loader 'app')
So, is there a way to properly apply multiple limits outside the stream builder?
The EvolutionStream.limit(Predicate)
method does return an EvolutionStream
EvolutionStream<IntegerGene, Double> stream =;
stream = stream
So your given examples look good and should work. But the EvolutionStream.limit(Predicate)
method is the only method which gives you back an EvolutionStream
An alternative would be that your method, which initializes the EvolutionStream
, takes the Predicate
s from outside.
static EvolutionStream<IntegerGene, Double>
newStream(final Predicate<? super EvolutionResult<IntegerGene, Double>>... limits) {
final Engine<IntegerGene, Double> engine = Engine
.builder(a -> a.gene().allele().doubleValue(), IntegerChromosome.of(0, 100))
EvolutionStream<IntegerGene, Double> stream =;
for (var limit : limits) {
stream = stream.limit(limit);
return stream;
final var stream = newStream(