I have a Map
with Optional
I want to filter it to remove empty values.
Map<K, Optional<T>> input;
Map<K, T> result = input.
// here is some code I'm looking for
What is easiest way to achieve it?
All I can think of requires Optional.get
and I don't like that IDE warns me about it.
The easiest way to do it, especially while avoiding Optional.get()
, isn't going to involve streams at all; more like
Map<K, T> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
input.forEach((k, vOpt) -> {
vOpt.ifPresent(v -> result.put(k, v));
(In general, if there isn't a really obvious way to do something with streams, it's generally going to be simpler and cleaner not to use streams at all.)
If you insist on using a Collector
, it's possible but requires a carefully customized one, especially if you won't tolerate Optional.get()
(map, entry) -> entry.getValue().ifPresent(v -> map.put(entry.getKey(), v)),
(m1, m2) -> {
return m1;
If you can tolerate Optional.get()
, you might consider it simpler to write
.filter(e -> e.getValue().isPresent())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().get()));