** I have just started studying streams in java and I am stuck with this question. In the below code the main method of Fclass is given to me and I have to create a class Employee, it's constructor and getter methods and I also have to create a method "query" in Fclass which should return stream of those Employee objects which have same department name and salary greater than or equal to the input that will be given. I have written the code but when i am running it, it's not generating any output. Can someone tell me where am I going wrong? **
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.*;
class Employee{
private String n;
private String d;
private int s;
public Employee(String name, String dep, int sal) {
this.n = name; //define class Employee
this.d = dep;
this.s = sal;
public String getname() {
return n;
public String getdep() {
return d;
public int getsal() {
return s;
public String toString() {
return n+":"+d+":"+s+" ";
}//define class Employee
class FClass{
public static Stream<Employee> query(ArrayList<Employee> eList, String d, double s) {
Stream<Employee> emp = eList.stream().filter(x->x.getdep()==d && x.getsal() >= s);
return emp;
}//define method query
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
var eList = new ArrayList<Employee>();
eList.add(new Employee("Jack", "HR", 30000));
eList.add(new Employee("Aria", "HR", 40000));
eList.add(new Employee("Nora", "IT", 50000));
eList.add(new Employee("Bella", "IT", 60000));
eList.add(new Employee("Jacob", "IT", 70000));
eList.add(new Employee("James", "HR", 80000));
String d = sc.next(); //read department
double s = sc.nextInt(); //read salary
var st = query(eList, d, s);
st.forEach(n -> System.out.println(n + " "));
In your filter you compare Strings with ==
Please use x.getdep().equals(d)