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JSXGraph: What is the preferred way to label axes?

I would like to label the axes in my diagrams with the respective physical quantities.

What have found is that I can either just place a text close to the arrow tips. But this means that I have to re-do that when the bounding box changes.

Or I can manually draw axes with labels.

But is there maybe another, simple and robust way to label the automatically drawn axes? The goal would be to

  • not have to specify coordinates,
  • have the labels near the arrow heads of the axes,
  • have the text fixed (i.e. non-draggable).


  • You can start with something like this:

    const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', { 
      boundingbox: [-5, 20, 5, -5], axis:true,
      defaultAxes: {
        x : {
        name: 'X',
        withLabel: true,
        label: {
            position: 'rt',
          offset: [-10, -15]
      y : {
        name: 'Y',
          label: {
            position: 'rt',
            offset: [-20, -10]

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