I found this: Is it possible to calculate how many characters will fit in a fixed width label if font is provided in C#?
It didn't work, I have a label and I want to determine how many characters will fit in the label so I can modify the content before assigning, how can I do this, from the above link I tried:
Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.lblDestPathContent.Handle);
int intHeight, intWidth;
g.MeasureString(strPath, this.lblDestPathContent.Font
, this.lblDestPathContent.Size
, null, out intWidth, out intHeight);
this.lblDestPathContent.Text = strPath;
intWidth is returned as the same length as strPath and it will not fit in the label.
The lblDestPathContent is a System.Windows.Forms.Label.
[Edit] An example of the above:
strPath contains 154 characters
the size of the label is returned as {Width = 604, Height = 17}
Font is {Name = "Microsoft Sans Serif", Size=8.25}
After calling MeasureString:
intWidth contains 154
intHeight contains 2
I've managed to do what I need with:
string strModifiedToFit = strPath;
bool blnFit = false;
while(blnFit == false) {
Size szText = System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(strModifiedToFit,
if (szText.Width < this.lblDestPathContent.Size.Width) {
blnFit = true;
} else {
strModifiedToFit = strModifiedToFit.Substring(strModifiedToFit.Length - (strModifiedToFit.Length - 1));
this.lblDestPathContent.Text = strModifiedToFit;
The above removes a character from the path until it will fit in the label.