I am trying to take a floating point input and split it it into its sign, mantissa and exponent values. At lines 7 and 8, my compiler (I'm using Icarus Verilog) is giving the error:
Invalid module instantiation
even though I haven't instantiated any module here.
module test(Input, exp, sign, mant);
input [31:0]Input;
output [7:0]exp;
output sign;
output [22:0]mant;
mant = Input[22:0];
exp = Input[30:23];
sign = Input[31];
You need to use the assign
keyword to make continuous assignments:
module test(Input, exp, sign, mant);
input [31:0]Input;
output [7:0]exp;
output sign;
output [22:0]mant;
assign mant = Input[22:0];
assign exp = Input[30:23];
assign sign = Input[31];