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Liferay - how to retrieve body content of POST request in "serveResource" method

I am issuing a POST request from my Angular 8 Liferay 7.3 Portlet and trying to get its contents in the serveResource method in the MVCResourceCommand class.

The frontend JS looks like this:

submit() {
    let message = {
        type: "form",
        body: this.model
      };<any>("http://my/url", message).subscribe(response => {

The meesage hits the endpoint, so the backend is well configured. Based on this, this and this I have also set the "com.liferay.portlet.requires-namespaced-parameters=false" property in order namespaces not to be an issue - so, basically, every point in the check list is done and the request body should be accessible. Every post I read so far is talking about getting the request info with ParamUtil.getString(uploadRequest, "text");, but I am not sure how this should work if the body is a JSON object - I mean, how should I retrieve the value if the POST body looks like this:

    "firstVal": "abc",
    "secondVal": "def",
    "another": {
        "objectVal1": 1,
        "objectVal2": 2


  • Thanks to this post, I only came to this piece of code, which retrieves the body as a String:

    String body = PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(resourceRequest).getReader().lines()

    Even though I solved my problem, I would like to know if there are other ways to do this.