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How to manipulate Array of Object based on condition Angular 8

I am getting below array of object from api response, i wanted to create one function which manipulate the data and enable and disable the flag based on below condition.

API Response

const data = [
          "subfamily": "Hair Liquids (Includes: Bottles & Tottles, Tubes, Jars & Pouches)",
          "status": "New",
          "remainingTime": 6,
          "subfamily": "Skin Care - Liquids (Includes: Bottles & Tottles, Tubes, Jars & Pouches)",
          "status": "Submitted",
          "remainingTime": 6
          "subfamily": "Styling",
          "status": "New",
          "remainingTime": 6

Based on below cases, we need to enable/Disbale flag inside code.

  1. If all object status is new and remainingTime > 0, than isButtonEnable Flag is True.
  2. If any 2 object is submitted status and third object is New status and remainingTime > 0 than, isButtonEnable flag True.
  3. If any 1 object is submitted status, and other 2 object is New status and remainingTime < 0, than, isButtonEnable flag False.
  4. If any 1 object is submitted status,and other 2 object is New status and remainingTime > 0 than, isButtonEnable flag True.

Can anyone help me to check this condition and enable/Disable the flags.

Below is my code which i Tried

    if(data.length > 1){
      data.forEach((currentValue, index) => {
        if(currentValue.status ==='New' && remainingTime > 0){
          this.isButtonEnale = True;
        } else if(currentValue.status ==='Submitted' && remainingTime < 0){
          this.isButtonEnale = False;



  • Here is a code based on your condition.

    enableFlagOnStatus() {
        if(data.length > 1){
            let newCount = 0;
            let submittedCount = 0;
            let remainingTime = 0;
   => {
                if (item.status === 'New') {
                } else if (item.status === 'Submitted') {
                remainingTime = item.remainingTime;
            if (newCount === 3 && remainingTime > 0) {
                this.isButtonEnabled = true;
            } else if (submittedCount >= 2 && newCount === 1 && remainingTime > 0) {
                this.isButtonEnabled = true;
            } else if (submittedCount === 1 && newCount === 2 && remainingTime < 0) {
                this.isButtonEnabled = false;
            } else if (submittedCount === 1 && newCount === 2 && remainingTime > 0) {
                this.isButtonEnabled = true;
            } else {
                this.isButtonEnabled = false;

    Note: Please also correct the spelling of "isButtonEnale" to "isButtonEnabled".