We have an Angular Reactive Formbuilder
'productType':['',[Validators.required, Validators.min(3)]],
'deliveryCategory':['',[Validators.required, Validators.max(8)]]
They are actually driven from Material select dropdowns, and give Dto Objects. How do I have validators on actual Object members within?
such as productType.productTypeId Validator min is 1.
and deliveryCategory.deliveryCategoryNo min 1?
Validators.min is currently only on whole object.
How can I write custom Validator that will take object as object member as parameters? Or is there more optimal way?
This needs a custom validator, which can be written like this:
// pass in property to validate and list of validators to run on it
export function validateProperty(property: string, validators: ValidatorFn[]): ValidatorFn {
return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } | null => {
// get the value and assign it to a new form control
const propertyVal = control.value && control.value[property];
const newFc = new FormControl(propertyVal);
// run the validators on the new control and keep the ones that fail
const failedValidators = validators.map(v => v(newFc)).filter(v => !!v);
// if any fail, return the list of failures, else valid
return failedValidators.length ? {invalidProperty: failedValidators} : null;
'productType':['', validateProperty('propertyToValidate', [Validators.required, Validators.min(3)])],