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Is there a way to fetch all the use case diagrams from an enterprise architect model using Java API?

I have many use case diagrams defined in a model in Enterprise Architect. The diagrams are at different levels in the hierarchy. Irrespective of where the diagram is located, is there any way to access all the use case diagrams (any diagram for that matter) present in the model using Enterprise Architect Java API?


  • The Java API is nothing more then a layer around the regular API, so I'm answering in general.

    You can of course traverse the whole model in code to get diagrams, but that will take ages in any non-trivial model.

    So what you want to do is

    1. query the model to get all diagram guid's using EA.Repository.SQLQuery()
    2. loop the diagram guid's and get each diagram using EA.Repository.GetDiagramByGUID()

    The SQL Query

    The SQL Query you need to get all use case diagram guid's is the following

    select d.ea_guid from t_diagram d
    where d.Diagram_Type = 'Use Case'

    Getting a list of values from the query

    EA.Repository.SQLQuery() returns an XML string, so you need to parse that to get a list of values. This example is an operation in VBScript that does exactly that:

    function getArrayFromQuery(sqlQuery)
        dim xmlResult
        xmlResult = Repository.SQLQuery(sqlQuery)
        getArrayFromQuery = convertQueryResultToArray(xmlResult)
    end function
    'converts the query results from Repository.SQLQuery from xml format to a two dimensional array of strings
    Public Function convertQueryResultToArray(xmlQueryResult)
        Dim arrayCreated
        Dim i 
        i = 0
        Dim j 
        j = 0
        Dim result()
        Dim xDoc 
        Set xDoc = CreateObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument" )
        'load the resultset in the xml document
        If xDoc.LoadXML(xmlQueryResult) Then        
            'select the rows
            Dim rowList
            Set rowList = xDoc.SelectNodes("//Row")
            Dim rowNode 
            Dim fieldNode
            arrayCreated = False
            'loop rows and find fields
            For Each rowNode In rowList
                j = 0
                If (rowNode.HasChildNodes) Then
                    'redim array (only once)
                    If Not arrayCreated Then
                        ReDim result(rowList.Length, rowNode.ChildNodes.Length)
                        arrayCreated = True
                    End If
                    For Each fieldNode In rowNode.ChildNodes
                        'write f
                        result(i, j) = fieldNode.Text
                        j = j + 1
                End If
                i = i + 1
            'make sure the array has a dimension even is we don't have any results
            if not arrayCreated then
                ReDim result(0, 0)
            end if
        end if
        convertQueryResultToArray = result
    End Function

    Getting the diagram based on the guid's

    Loop the resulting query and use Repository.GetDiagramByGUID()

    In VBScript that would be something like this (supposing the results of the query are stored in the variable guidResults)

    dim diagram as EA.Diagram
    dim diagrams
    set diagrams = CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
    dim guid
    for each guid in guidResults
        set diagram = Repository.GetDiagramByGuid(guid)
        diagrams.Add diagram