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Call Rest API inside powershell function

I have called Rest API using powershell function but i need to get date entry from all objects like english-and-wales, scotland , northern ireland. using this $list.'england-and-wales' i will get only england-and-wales details but remaining scotland, northern ireland date i am unable to fetch

function Get-Holiday {
  Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri

$list = Get-Holiday
$list | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

I need to get date entry from all england-and-wales, scotland, northern ireland. can you please provide solution for that

Example image


  • If you want to combine the dates from all three data sets, you could do something like this:

    # define divisions
    $divisions = 'england-and-wales', 'scotland', 'northern-ireland'
    # fetch data 
    $list = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri
    # enumerate dates for all divisions, remove duplicates and assign to a variable
    $allPossibleHolidayDates = $divisions |%{ $list.$} |Sort -Unique

    At which point you can determine whether a certain date is a holiday by:

    # Get a string representing todays date formatted like "2020-11-18"
    $todaysDate = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'
    # this will now return $true if today is a holiday in any of the divisions
    $allPossibleHolidayDates -contains $todaysDate