I am trying to get the courses where the last action (state) of the employee with the course is "enrolled"
This is the table of all courses
id integer primary key,
name text
This is the table of all employees, nid = NationalID
CREATE TABLE employee (
id integer primary key,
nid integer,
name text
This a table where I record all actions of employees with all courses
id integer primary key,
nid integer,
cid integer,
state text
Here's my data
INSERT INTO course VALUES (1, "c1"); --> required result
INSERT INTO course VALUES (2, "c2");
INSERT INTO course VALUES (3, "c3"); --> required result
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, 111, "e1");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, 222, "e2");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, 333, "e3");
INSERT INTO tran VALUES (1, 111, 1, "enrolled"); --> latest action
INSERT INTO tran VALUES (3, 222, 3, "enrolled");
INSERT INTO tran VALUES (4, 222, 3, "rejected");
INSERT INTO tran VALUES (5, 111, 2, "enrolled");
INSERT INTO tran VALUES (6, 111, 2, "withdrawn");
INSERT INTO tran VALUES (7, 111, 3, "enrolled"); --> latest action
I'm supposed to get the rows I marked above
I can get the latest action with each course using this
SELECT cid FROM tran AS t1
WHERE t1.id = (
SELECT MAX(t2.id) FROM tran AS t2
WHERE t1.nid = 111
AND t1.cid = t2.cid
AND t1.state = "enrolled";
But when I try to wrap it with another SELECT statement to get the names of the courses, I only get the first one
SELECT id, name FROM course AS c
WHERE c.id = (
SELECT cid FROM tran AS t1
WHERE t1.id = (
SELECT MAX(t2.id) FROM tran AS t2
WHERE t1.nid = 111
AND t1.cid = t2.cid
AND t1.state = "enrolled"
At first glance, you might try the IN
SELECT id, name FROM course AS c
WHERE c.id IN (
SELECT cid FROM tran AS t1
WHERE t1.id = (
SELECT MAX(t2.id) FROM tran AS t2
WHERE t1.nid = 111
AND t1.cid = t2.cid
AND t1.state = "enrolled"
Haven't tested it myself, however.