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How to pass a specific object to a fragment (thymelaf)

I have a problem that i would like to get help with!

I am using Intellij Idea and are using Spring MVC with Thymeleaf. I have created a fragment and all is fine and dandy, it works good and gets imported in my current html file.

<div th:replace="fragments/ModalCart :: modal(${products.get(0)})"></div>

This is my import statment and as you can see i am passing a single object of type Product.

This is my fragment html file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<div th:fragment="modal(product)">
    <button id="myBtn">Open Modal</button>
    <div id="myModal" class="modal">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <section class="card">
                <div class="columns">
                    <div class="column">
                        <p th:text="${product.getImgUrl()}"></p>


My problem is that my 'product' in the modal fragment is of type Object not type Product as i would like to to be (because of that if i call the imgUrl getter method on the passed in product i get a red underline that tells me it can not be resolved, even doe it works i have a error in my html file which is annoying). How would i make sure that the parameter that gets pass into this class is of type Product class and not of java.lang.Object class?

Is there any way to cast it back to a Product or am I stuck?



  • Thymeleaf doesn't actually care about the type of the variable passed to the fragment, so ${product.getImgUrl()} (equivalent to ${product.imgUrl}) should work whether or not it has red underlines.

    As for fixing those problems... this is IDE specific. For example, in Intellij I think something like this should work:

    <div th:fragment="modal(product)">
      <!--/*@thymesVar id="product" type="your.package.Product"*/-->

    Where you replace your.package.Product with your actual package.