I am attempting to pull in data from a CSV file that is stored in an Azure Blob container and when I try to query the file I get an error of
File 'https://<storageaccount>.blob.core.windows.net/<container>/Sales/2020-10-01/Iris.csv' cannot be opened because it does not exist or it is used by another process.
The file does exist and as far as I know of it is not being used by anything else.
I am using SSMS and also a SQL On-Demand endpoint from Azure Synapse.
What I did in SSMS was run the following commands after connecting to the endpoint:
CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE AzureBlob WITH ( LOCATION 'wasbs://<container>@<storageaccount>.blob.core.windows.net/' )
BULK 'Sales/2020-10-01/Iris.csv',
DATA_SOURCE = 'AzureBlob',
FORMAT = '*'
) AS tv1;
I am not sure of where my issue is at or where to go next. Did I mess up anything with creating the external data source? Do I need to use a SAS token there and if so what is the syntax for that?
I figured out what the issue was. I haven't tried Armando's suggestion yet.
First I had to go to the container and edit IAM policies to give my Active Directory login a Blob Data Contributor role. The user to give access to will be your email address for logging in to your portal.
After that I had to re-connect to the On-Demand endpoint in SSMS. Make sure you login through the Azure AD - MFA option. Originally I was using the On-Demand endpoint username and password which was not given access to the Blob Data Contributor role for the container.