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Thymeleaf Spring Security - Store authentication into local variable

I am using Thymeleaf Spring Security in my Spring Boot project.

In the html file, I have multiple times in a row a couple of checks to display text based on user role (Admin, user, not logged in).

<div class="container">
    <div sec:authorize="hasAuthority('ADMIN')">Admin text 1</div>
    <div sec:authorize="hasAuthority('USER')">User text 1</div>
    <div sec:authorize="hasAuthority('ANONYMOUS')">Not logged in text 1</div>
    <div sec:authorize="hasAuthority('ADMIN')">Admin text 2</div>
    <div sec:authorize="hasAuthority('USER')">User text 2</div>
    <div sec:authorize="hasAuthority('ANONYMOUS')">Not logged in text 2</div>

I know you can use a local variables with Thymeleaf. I would like to save the authority checks into local variables so I can write more efficient code afterwards. Example below, but the local variable part is obviously incorrect.

<div class="container" th:with="isAdmin=${hasAuthority('ADMIN')},isUser=${hasAuthority('USER')}">
    <div th:text="${isAdmin} ? "Admin text 1" : ${isUser} ? "User text 1" : "Not logged in text 1"></div>
    <div th:text="${isAdmin} ? "Admin text 2" : ${isUser} ? "User text 2" : "Not logged in text 2"></div>

Is there a way to store operations on user role or authority in a local variable?


  • Updated: You can use ${#authorization.expression('hasAuthority(...)')} to evaluate in Thymeleaf:

            <div class=container th:with="isUser = ${#authorization.expression('hasAuthority(''USER'')')}"...

    Alternatively, you can access the authorities through an expression (iterating over a Collection):

            <th:block th:each="authority : ${#authentication.authorities}">

    ${#authentication} is an implementation of Authentication.

    Updated example:

            <p th:text="${#authentication}"/>
            <th:block th:each="authority : ${#authentication.authorities}">
              <div th:text="${authority}"></div>


            <p> Principal: Username: [email protected]; Password: [PROTECTED]; Enabled: true; AccountNonExpired: true; credentialsNonExpired: true; AccountNonLocked: true; Granted Authorities: ADMINISTRATOR,USER; Credentials: [PROTECTED]; Authenticated: true; Details: RemoteIpAddress: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; SessionId: A031D4B4CAB26223C13AE9B30AA62212; Granted Authorities: ADMINISTRATOR, USER</p>