I am trying to run a vba code that: 1 - access a site (https://www.protestosp.com.br/consulta-de-protesto/) 2 - enter some information 3 - Click on a button "Consultar" (here is the problem)!
Problem description: I am not able to click on the button (I am thinking this is not a button, but I dont really know).
<input class="btn-padrao blue borderEffect2 mt-3 hoverEffect wider3" type="button" onclick="ValidarConsulta(this);" value="CONSULTAR">
in my current code, i am using:
```Set frm = IE.Document.GetElementsByclass("btn-padrao blue borderEffect2 mt-3 hoverEffect wider3")
I suggest trying to loop through input
elements on the page and check its value. If the value is CONSULTAR then try to click it.
Example VBA code:
Sub demo()
Dim IE
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.navigate "https://Your_URL_will_be_here..."
Do While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now)
Set clickEvent = IE.document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
clickEvent.initEvent "click", True, False
Set elem1 = IE.document.getElementById("AbrangenciaNacional")
elem1.dispatchEvent clickEvent
IE.document.getElementById("TipoDocumento").Value = "2"
IE.document.getElementById("Documento").Value = "12345"
'Below is code to loop through inputs, find the button and click it.
Set elems = IE.document.getElementsByTagName("input")
For Each elem In elems
If (elem.Value) = "CONSULTAR" Then
elem.dispatchEvent clickEvent
Exit For
End If
Next elem
End Sub
You can see that code is clicking the CONSULTAR button and the page is showing the error because the Document number is not valid.
You can try to pass the correct values and try to test this code on your side.