I recently updated the Chisel version of a big project of mine from 3.1.1 to 3.4.0; however, I am getting a bunch of firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$DefnameDifferentPortsException
firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$DefnameDifferentPortsException: : ports of extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM with defname XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM are different for an extmodule with the same defname
firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$DefnameDifferentPortsException: : ports of extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM_1 with defname XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM are different for an extmodule with the same defname
// and so on 241 times
Here is the definition of XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM, together with its dependencies:
class XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM(width: Int,
depth: Int,
performance: String="HIGH_PERFORMANCE",
initFile: String="",
ramStyle: String="block",
val useReset: Boolean=false)
extends BlackBox(Map("RAM_WIDTH" -> width,
"RAM_DEPTH" -> depth,
"RAM_PERFORMANCE" -> performance,
"INIT_FILE" -> initFile,
"RAM_STYLE" -> ramStyle))
with HasBlackBoxResource with Memory {
val io = IO(new XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO(log2Ceil(depth), width))
val acceptedRamStyles = Seq("block", "distributed", "registers", "ultra")
require(acceptedRamStyles contains ramStyle)
def write(wrAddr: UInt, wrData: UInt, wrEn: Bool): Unit = {
io.wea := wrEn
io.addra := wrAddr
io.dina := wrData
def read(rdAddr: UInt, rdEn: Bool): UInt = {
io.addrb := rdAddr
io.regceb := rdEn
io.enb := rdEn
def defaultBindings(clock: Clock, reset: core.Reset): Unit = {
io.clock := clock
io.reset := reset
io.reset := false.B
trait Memory extends BaseModule {
def read(rdAddr: UInt, rdEn: Bool): UInt
def write(wrAddr: UInt, wrData: UInt, wrEn: Bool): Unit
val latency: Int = 2
class XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMIO(addrWidth: Int, dataWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val addra = Input(UInt(addrWidth.W))
val addrb = Input(UInt(addrWidth.W))
val dina = Input(UInt(dataWidth.W))
val wea = Input(Bool())
val enb = Input(Bool())
val regceb = Input(Bool())
val doutb = Output(UInt(dataWidth.W))
override def cloneType = (new XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMIO(addrWidth, dataWidth)).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO(addrWidth: Int, dataWidth: Int) extends XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMIO(addrWidth, dataWidth) {
val clock = Input(Clock())
val reset = Input(Reset())
override def cloneType = (new XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO(addrWidth, dataWidth)).asInstanceOf[this.type]
The Verilog resource XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM.v
is one of the BRAM instantiation templates available in Vivado:
module XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM #(
parameter RAM_WIDTH = 64, // Specify RAM data width
parameter RAM_DEPTH = 512, // Specify RAM depth (number of entries)
parameter INIT_FILE = "", // Specify name/location of RAM initialization file if using one (leave blank if not)
parameter RAM_STYLE = "block" // Target memory type. Accepted values: block, distributed, registers, ultra (UltraScale+ only)
) (
input [clogb2(RAM_DEPTH-1)-1:0] addra, // Write address bus, width determined from RAM_DEPTH
input [clogb2(RAM_DEPTH-1)-1:0] addrb, // Read address bus, width determined from RAM_DEPTH
input [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] dina, // RAM input data
input wea, // Write enable
input enb, // Read Enable, for additional power savings, disable when not in use
input regceb, // Output register enable
output [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] doutb, // RAM output data
input clock, // Clock
input reset // Output reset (does not affect memory contents)
(* ram_style = RAM_STYLE *) reg [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] BRAM [RAM_DEPTH-1:0];
reg [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] ram_data = {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};
// The following code either initializes the memory values to a specified file or to all zeros to match hardware
if (INIT_FILE != "") begin: use_init_file
$readmemh(INIT_FILE, BRAM, 0, RAM_DEPTH-1);
end else begin: init_bram_to_zero
integer ram_index;
for (ram_index = 0; ram_index < RAM_DEPTH; ram_index = ram_index + 1)
BRAM[ram_index] = {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};
always @(posedge clock) begin
if (wea)
BRAM[addra] <= dina;
if (enb)
ram_data <= BRAM[addrb];
// The following code generates HIGH_PERFORMANCE (use output register) or LOW_LATENCY (no output register)
if (RAM_PERFORMANCE == "LOW_LATENCY") begin: no_output_register
// The following is a 1 clock cycle read latency at the cost of a longer clock-to-out timing
assign doutb = ram_data;
end else begin: output_register
// The following is a 2 clock cycle read latency with improve clock-to-out timing
reg [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] doutb_reg = {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};
always @(posedge clock)
if (reset)
doutb_reg <= {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};
else if (regceb)
doutb_reg <= ram_data;
assign doutb = doutb_reg;
// The following function calculates the address width based on specified RAM depth
function integer clogb2;
input integer depth;
for (clogb2=0; depth>0; clogb2=clogb2+1)
depth = depth >> 1;
I tried to have a look at the file where this exception is thrown, CheckHighForm.scala
, but I quickly got lost as I have no idea of what I should be looking for.
What I understood from the tests in CheckSpec.scala
is that it should throw an exception if ExtModules have matching port names and widths, but a different order
, so I tried to make the order of the inputs in the Chisel BlackBox the same as the ones in the Verilog module but I still get an exception.
The test throw an exception if parameterless ExtModules have the same ports, but different widths
made me think that having multiple instantiations with different port widths could be the reason for the exception, but then there is another test that says that it should NOT throw an exception if ExtModules have parameters, matching port names, but different widths
, which is the case here as the port widths are controlled by parameters.
What could be the reason for this exception?
Update: As requested, here is the FIRRTL IR of two instantiations of the black box:
extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM :
input addra : UInt<14>
input addrb : UInt<14>
input dina : UInt<1>
input wea : UInt<1>
input enb : UInt<1>
input regceb : UInt<1>
output doutb : UInt<1>
input clock : Clock
input reset : Reset
defname = XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM
parameter RAM_STYLE = "block"
parameter RAM_WIDTH = 1
parameter RAM_DEPTH = 16384
parameter INIT_FILE = ""
extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM_1 :
input addra : UInt<6>
input addrb : UInt<6>
input dina : UInt<518>
input wea : UInt<1>
input enb : UInt<1>
input regceb : UInt<1>
output doutb : UInt<518>
input clock : Clock
input reset : Reset
defname = XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM
parameter RAM_STYLE = "distributed"
parameter RAM_WIDTH = 518
parameter RAM_DEPTH = 64
parameter INIT_FILE = ""
Update 2: Apparently, some XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM
were picking up an older version of XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO
where the reset was still of type Bool
instead of Reset
. Changing that solved the issue.
This check is supposed to disallow impossible situations when referring to a specific BlackBox. Namely, the following must be true:
It sounds like either your example is producing BlackBoxes that violate the latter condition (since your BlackBoxes have parameters) or this has exposed a bug in that FIRRTL compiler check.
The actual Verilog module is never checked and can't cause any problems here.
Could you update your question to provide the FIRRTL IR that is producing these errors? Specifically, what does the FIRRTL IR for XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM
and XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM_1
look like? This should be in a file like "Foo.fir". Alternatively, you can do something like:
import chisel3.stage.ChiselStage
/* Note: this is emitChirrtl ("chirrtl") as you want the FIRRTL emitted from Chisel. */
println(ChiselStage.emitChirrtl(new MyTopModule))