user_id product_id category_id date_added date_update
1 2 1 2.3.2021 null
1 3 1 2.3.2020 2.4.2023
1 4 2 2.3.2020 null
1 5 2 2.3.2020 2.4.2023
2 5 2 2.3.2020 2.4.2023
2 4 1 2.3.2020 null
List the most up-to-date product of each category
You can use row_number()
select * from
select *,row_number() over(parition by userid,category_id order by date_update) as rn
from tablename
)A where rn=1
OR you can also use distinct on
select distinct on (user_id,category_id) *
FROM tablename
ORDER BY user_id,category_id, date_update