I'm pulling a featured image in from a blog post and setting to my background image. I'm using the same line of code I usually do, but for some reason no image is being displayed.
$img = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full');
<div class="panel--bg-image" <?php $img ? print 'style="--background-image: url(' . $img['sizes']['large'][0] . ');"' : ''; ?>>
To make sure my variable isn't empty, I ran
and my image is indeed being called. When I check the element in the dev tools, I see this:
When an image is successfully being called, I can always see the file in the url(). I usually pull these images from a custom filed, but these are being pulled from 'featured image' in the post backend. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
The WordPress function wp_get_attachment_image_src
requires the Image-ID and the size and returns an array:
array {
[0] => url,
[1] => width
[2] => height
[4] => is_intermediate
So, if you want to get the Image-URL, use $img[0]
instead of $img['sizes']['large'][0]
Source: WordPress Codex