for instance I have
SELECT customer_id, first_name || ', ' || last_name || ', ' || email as "customer's info"
FROM customer
WHERE customer_id = 5
SELECT count(i.film_id) AS "num.of films rented" FROM payment p
JOIN rental r ON p.rental_id = r.rental_id
JOIN inventory i ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
WHERE r.rental_date >= ('2014-01-01'::date)
AND r.rental_date <= ('2017-05-03'::date)
AND p.customer_id = 5
I want in output
metric1 | metric2
customer's info | blalalalal
num.of films rented | blalalalal
I try smth like, but nothing
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
SELECT first_name || ', ' || last_name || ', ' || email
FROM customer WHERE customer_id = 5,
SELECT count(i.film_id) FROM payment p
JOIN rental r ON p.rental_id = r.rental_id
JOIN inventory i ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
WHERE r.rental_date >= ('2014-01-01'::date)
AND r.rental_date <= ('2017-05-03'::date))
AS ('fjfjf' TEXT, 'fjfjf' int );
Could you help me? I dont know how to do it in postgress Thanks a lot
I would UNION ALL the two queries together - but remember to CAST the count value as a string, as you need matching data types to UNION:
'customer''s info' AS "name"
, first_name || ', ' || last_name || ', ' || email AS "value"
FROM customer c
'num.of films rented' AS "name"
, COUNT(i.film_id)::VARCHAR(5) AS "value"
FROM payment p
JOIN rental r ON p.rental_id = r.rental_id
JOIN inventory i ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
WHERE r.rental_date >= ('2014-01-01'::date)
AND r.rental_date <= ('2017-05-03'::date)
WHERE customer_id = 5