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Big Query: How to join 2 tables on user ID when 1 table contains an array of user ids?

There are somewhat similar answers already posted on StackOverflow, but they didn't address this specific case or involved a query that I was not able to understand, given that I just started my first SQL-related position.

This is the first time I try to join tables having a column values in one of the tables I am joining on in the form of an array. After trying to solve my own problem, I run into the following error: No matching signature for operator = for argument types: ARRAY<INT64>, STRING.

I have 2 tables that look like the following:

Table 1:

team_id     user_id
   1       [1, 2, 3]
   2       [4, 5, 6]
   3       [7, 8, 9]
   4      [10, 11, 12]

Table 2:

user_id    value
   2         10
   5         20
   7         30
   12        40

What I want to join Table 2 to Table 1 by way of having Table 2 analyze if there is a matching user_id in an array of Table 1. If there is, then join based on common user_id and output results as follows:

Desired Output

team_id  user_id  value
1          2       10
2          5       20
3          7       30
4          12      40

Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge!


  • You can join on unnest():

    select t1.team_id, t2.user_id, t2.value
    from table1 t1
    inner join table2 t2 on t2.user_id in unnest(t1.user_id)