I can't get my head around whether this is even possible, but I feel like I might have done it before and lost that bit of code. I am trying to craft a select statement that contains an inner join on a subquery to show the number of days between two dates from the same table.
A simple example of the data structure would look like:
Name ID Date Day Hours
Bill 1 3/3/20 Thursday 8
Fred 2 4/3/20 Monday 6
Bill 1 8/3/20 Tuesday 2
Based on this data, I want to select each row plus an extra column which is the number of days between the date from each row for each ID. Something like:
Select * from tblData
Inner join (datediff(Select Top(1) Date from tblData where Date < Date), Date) And ID = ID)
or for simplicity:
Select * from tblData
Inner join (datediff(Select Top(1) Date from tblData where Date < 8/3/20), 8/3/20) And ID = 1)
The resulting dataset would look like:
Name ID Date Day Hours DaysBtwn
Bill 1 3/3/20 Thursday 8 4 (Assuming there was an earlier row in the table)
Fred 2 4/3/20 Monday 6 5 (Assuming there was an earlier row in the table)
Bill 1 8/3/20 Tuesday 2 5 (Based on the previous row date being 3/3/20 for Bill)
Does this make sense and am I trying to do this the wrong way? I want to do this for about 600000 rows in table and therefore efficiency is the key, so if there is a better way to do this, i'm open to suggestions.
You can use lag()
select t.*, datediff(day, lag(date) over(partition by id order by date), date) diff
from mytable t