I'm relatively new to working with PostgreSQL and I could use some help with this.
Suppose I have a table of forecasted values (let's say temperature) are stored, which are indicated by a dump_date_time . This dump_date_time is the date_time when the values were stored in the table. The temperature forecasts are also indicated by the date_time to which the forecast corresponds. Lets say that every 6 hours a forecast is published.
At 06:00 today the temperature for tomorrow at 16:00 is published and stored in the table. Then at 12:00 today the temperature for tomorrow at 16:00 is published and also stored in the table. I now have two forecasts for the same date_time (16:00 tomorrow) which are published at two different times (06:00 and 12:00 today), indicated by the dump_date_time.
All these values are stored in the same table, with three columns: dump_date_time, date_time and value. My goal is to SELECT from this table the difference between the temperatures of the two forecasts. How do I do this?
One option uses a join:
select date_time, t1.value - t2.value value_diff
from mytable t1
inner join mytable t2 using (date_time)
where t1.dump_date = '2020-01-01 06:00:00'::timestamp
and t2.dump_date = '2020-01-01 16:00:00'::timestamp