Search code examples

Combine two index into third index in elastic search using logstash

I have two index

  1. employee_data {"code":1, "name":xyz, "city":"Mumbai" }
  2. transaction_data {"code":1, "Month":June", payment:78000 }

I want third index like this 3)join_index

{"code":1, "name":xyz, "city":"Mumbai", "Month":June", payment:78000 } How it's possible??

i am trying in logstash

input {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => "localost"
    index => "employees_data,transaction_data"
     query => '{ "query": { "match": { "code": 1} } }'
    scroll => "5m"
    docinfo => true
output {

elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost"]

index => "join1"



  • You can use elasticsearch input on employees_data

    In your filters, use the elasticsearch filter on transaction_data

    input {
      elasticsearch {
        hosts => "localost"
        index => "employees_data"
         query => '{ "query": { "match_all": { } } }'
         sort => "code:desc"
        scroll => "5m"
        docinfo => true
    filter {
        elasticsearch {
                  hosts => "localhost"
                  index => "transaction_data"
                  query => "(code:\"%{[code]}\"
                  fields => { 
                        "Month" => "Month",
                        "payment" => "payment" 
    output {
      elasticsearch { 
        hosts => ["localhost"]
        index => "join1"

    And send your new document to your third index with the elasticsearch output

    You'll have 3 elastic search connection and the result can be a little slow. But it works.