I was using character arrays to get inputs from the user then display the output afterwards. However, every time I enter values with spaces in between, only the first word before the space is printed.
For instance, this is what I typed:
Customer No.:
7877 323 2332
This will be the output:
Customer No.:
I already searched for possible solutions but I can't seem to find the right solution.
This is my code for reference:
using namespace std;
int main()
char custNum[10] = " "; // The assignment does not allow std::string
cout << "Please enter values for the following: " << endl;
cout << "Customer No.: ";
cin >> custNum;
cout << "Customer No.: " << custNum << endl;
Another option is to use std::basic_istream::getline to read the entire string into the buffer and then remove the spaces with a simple for
loop. But when using plain-old character arrays don't skimp on buffer size. It is far better to be 1000-characters too long than one-character too short. With your input, your absolute minimum size of custNum
is 14
characters (the 13
shown plus the '\0'
(nul-terminating) character. (rough rule-of-thumb, take your longest estimated input and double it -- to allow for user-mistake, cat stepping on keyboard, etc...)
In you case you can simply do:
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
int main() {
char custNum[32] = " "; // The assignment does not allow std::string
int wrt = 0;
std::cout << "Please enter values for the following:\nCustomer No.: ";
if (std::cin.getline(custNum, 32)) { /* validate every input */
for (int rd = 0; custNum[rd]; rd++)
if (!isspace((unsigned char)custNum[rd]))
custNum[wrt++] = custNum[rd];
custNum[wrt] = 0;
std::cout << "Customer No.: " << custNum << '\n';
The two loop counters rd
(read position) and wrt
(write position) are simply used to loop over the original string and remove any whitespace found, nul-terminating again when the loop is left.
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/readcustnum
Please enter values for the following:
Customer No.: 7877 323 2332
Customer No.: 78773232332
Also take a look at Why is “using namespace std;” considered bad practice? and C++: “std::endl” vs “\n”. Much easier to build good habits now than it is to break bad ones later... Look things over and let me know if you have questions.